Our platform at a glance
Ban fossil fuel use, because they are the primary cause of climate change. Scientific research on renewable energies has demonstrated that it is technically feasible to eliminate the use of fossil fuels by 2030, without causing insurmountable economic problems. What is lacking is political will, and that is why the Party of Nature is mobilizing for political action.
Ban all forms of animal agriculture, as well as hunting and fishing, because they are leading causes of pollution and biodiversity loss, and likewise contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Scientific research has shown that the consumption of animal products by humans is responsible for an important percentage of greenhouse gas emissions (from 15% to over 50%, depending on the studies); animal farming and the production of animal feed are also the main causes of deforestation; they poison rivers, lakes and seas, and contribute to biodiversity loss and to the extinction of animal and plant species.
Impose severe limitations on the use of plastics, herbicides and pesticides, as they likewise contribute to pollution and biodiversity loss.
Secure massive financial reparations from all highly polluting multinational corporations. The Party of Nature wants to treat the fossil fuel industry and other serial polluters like Big Tobacco: we will sue them and make them pay. In law like in politics, where there is a will there is always a way.
Introduce public subsidies—including through international funds—for food producers and distributors transitioning towards a food supply that is 100% plant-based. Scientific research has long demonstrated that diets that exclude all animal products, if properly planned, are appropriate during all stages of life, including pregnancy, breastfeeding, infancy and adolescence. These diets are also particularly suitable for people interested in a healthier diet and are also highly recommended for athletes; in fact, research shows that diets that exclude all animal products can provide important health benefits in the prevention and treatment of numerous diseases.
Introduce new subsidies—including through international funds—for all other necessary economic reforms aimed at making all human activities truly sustainable.
Start massive government-funded rewilding programs, to restore pre-industrial carbon-absorbing ecosystems such as forests, grasslands, marshes, and mangroves.
Invest in education, so that new generations learn to protect nature and respect all living beings.
Invest in scientific research and innovation to advance knowledge and sustainability, in accordance with the respect for the fundamental rights of all species.
Protect and promote democracy and human rights—within each country and internationally.
Pursue regional and global alliances between democracies.
Pursue a federal European Union, with joint fiscal, defense, and foreign policies, so that Europe can fulfill its political and economic responsibilities.
Pursue a global federation of democracies, open to all countries that embrace democratic principles and offer full civil and political rights to all their citizens.
Offer the free transfer of information, renewable energy technology, and capital from wealthier states to poorer states, to promote their sustainable development and transitions based on democracy, human rights, and environmental protection.